Ministers of Holy Communion

Extra-ordinary Minister of Holy Communion

The ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) was established by the Holy Father to assist the Celebrant with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass and to take Holy Communion to the sick who are confined to their homes.

EMHCs are chosen individually according to strict conditions and requirements promulgated by the Church and the Archdiocese. Admission to this ministry is by invitation and ministers are commissioned for a period of one year. Service in this ministry is considered to be a privilege and a humble contribution in the Service of The Lord.

This is a ministry in which we assist our priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ and by our conduct we must be examples of Christians living in faith. We must strive to grow in holiness through this sacrament of unity and love.

  • Assist Father with distribution of Communion to the sick, elderly and home bound parishioners.
  • Assist Father with distribution of The Blessed Sacrament during Mass on weekend and week days.
  • Assist Father when requested to conduct Communion Services in his absence to celebrate Mass or the absence of a deacon.
  • All EMHC’s are approachable to parishioners to relay requests to the Parish Priest for:
  • Communion to be brought to the sick or house bound
  • Meetings are held quarterly in the Parish Community Centre and pre-arranged to include Father’s availability.

Contact :

The Parish Priest on 021 696 2904 or Sonja [xxxxx