Legion of Mary

Legion of Mary

The purpose of the Legion is to make its members better Catholics and to raise the spiritual level of the entire community through direct contact with and interest in every member and potential member of the Mystical Body of Christ.

The sanctification of its own members is achieved through prayer and work. Each weekly meeting offers to the Legionaries the recitation of the Rosary, spiritual reading, a short talk by the Spiritual Director, a discussion of Catholic doctrine and devotion, and an evaluation of the work program. At the meeting each member is assigned two hours of apostolic work, to be performed during the week and reported on at the following meeting.

The doing of apostolic work is really only a means to an end, namely, the sanctification of the individual member. The Legion is thus needed in every parish, for in every parish there are parishioners who want to become better Catholics.  Experience has shown that in every parish there is a nucleus of people called, it seems, to be sanctified in this unique way.

When Sunday morning after the xxx mass

Contact:  Ssssssss Mmmmmmm    Cell No:  nnn nnn nnnn or email:   ssssssmmmmm@yahoo.com