Our Lady Help Of Christians Catholic Church
312 Iman Haron Road, Lansdowne, 7780
Tel No: (021) 696 2903
Fax No: (021) 696 2904
email: info@olhc.co.za
Ottery Chapel, 1st Floor, cnr of Enslin and Sauer Streets, Ottery
Quick links: | Mass Times |
Salesian Missions of Don Bosco: | http://www.salesianmissions.co.za/ |
Archdiocese of Cape Town: | http://adct.org.za/ |

Devotion to Mary Help of Christians
Devotion to Mary Help of Christians was spread far and wide through the work of St John Bosco and continues today. The Salesian family knows and calls on Mary, Help of Christians as its principal patroness. The feast is celebrated on May 24th.

O Mary Help of Christians, our Mother, we pray to you; as you guided and helped St John Bosco, continue today to protect each one of us, our families and our young.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen
Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.
Child Safeguarding Policy
Archdiocese Child Safeguarding Panel: Child Safeguarding Officer: Michael Baker.
Tel: 082 493 8493. Email: childsafeguarding@adct.org.za;
Assistant Child Safeguarding Officers: John Sheraton (021 705 5131 (h), 083 277 7999); and Bernadette Ross (061 052 3650)
Child Safeguarding Contact Persons:
Jane Payne. Tel: 082 421 4618. Email: jane@homefromhome.org.za
Koleka Lubelwana. Tel: 082 887 7827. Email: kolekaj@gmail.com
Suzanne Duncan. Tel: 082 581 2890. Email: duncan.suzanne1@gmail.com
OLHC Parish Contact: Natalie Simons. Tel: 021 683 3784 / 071 330 1818. Email: jssimons@telkomsa.net