Welcome to becoming an altar server. To be an active participant in the Mass is very special. By serving God in the church you are also learning how to serve God outside the church by helping people who are in need. I welcome you and pray that you will learn to understand the rites of our holy faith and serve the Church with joy and reverence.
Altar servers play a very important role during the Mass. It is important that you not only know what to do but a little bit as to why you do it.
These young ministers, boys and girls, 4th grade through high school assist the clergy in the liturgy, including Eucharist.
Once you have decided to become an altar server, to be an active participant in the Mass is very special. By serving God in the church you are also learning how to serve God outside the church by helping people who are in need.
Characteristics of a Server:
- Naturalness and discretion of movement – don’t fumble and stumble or run
- Naturally alert and attentive – don’t daydream, yawn or fall asleep.
- Natural foresight – anticipate what might happen next.
- Be able to work together in a team.
- Be able to facilitate the public expression of shared prayer.
You will need to learn more about your faith:
- Altar servers play a very important role during the Mass. It is important that you not only know what to do but a little bit as to why you do it.
- Just like everyone who works they need to learn more about the job they do. Many jobs have words that other people outside the job may not even know.
- You will need to learn some new words and their meanings.
- Don’t worry it’s not as bad as vocabulary can be. We will take our time and learn the things we need to know and have fun while doing it.
Some Basic Rules:
- Before you come to the Church
- Make sure you get a good night sleep. It is very off putting for the congregation to watch a server keep yawning.
- Make sure your shoes are clean.
- Make sure your hands and fingernails are clean.
- Make sure you have had something to eat and drink – I don’t want you to faint during mass
- Make sure you arrive at Church at least 20 minutes before mass starts.
Contact: Patrick Permall
Email Address: ppermall@vodamail.co.za